Thursday, January 28, 2010

*Help Haiti*

  On the afternoon of January 12th, Haiti was changed forever.  A 7.3 magnitude earthquake shook the country and left thousands of people injured and without their homes.  Hundreds of thousands are thought to be dead and many more have yet to be found.  These shirts are a way we can support ministries that are on the ground in Haiti doing the hard work.  100% of the profits from these shirts will go to support ministries in Haiti.  We hope that you will buy some for yourself and for your friends.

This is a high-end super soft and lightweight T.   Due to inventory fluctuation, you cannot specify which of the three color offerings you will receive.  You will receive either New Silver, Heather Grey, or Asphalt color Ts (or a combination of the three if you order multiple Ts).

Click the photo below to redirect to the ordering page.